Meet the Team

Priest in Charge
Rev Chris Enwerem
Chris, who grew up in South-East Nigeria, later moved to the northern part of the country to pursue higher education and begin his early career, which included 10 years of Christian ministry. He then relocated to England for applied theological training at Redcliffe College in Gloucester, where he engaged in mission placements across various church traditions. Chris's journey was not solitary. Alongside his wife, Foluso Enwerem, he served as a missionary with the European Christian Mission (ECM) and Operation Mobilisation (OM). Together, they focused on church revitalization and church planting. Chris and Foluso are blessed with three growing children - Comfort, Peace and Praise.Chris felt a calling to align himself with God's work within the Church of England. In 2014, he trained for ordination at St. John's School of Mission in Nottingham and was ordained in the Diocese of Worcester. He made a conscious decision to focus on parish-based ministry, holding the Biblical passage from 1 Peter 5:2 dear to his heart: "Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve."​Email Chris on - chris@shelfwithbuttershaw.net ​

Estates Pioneer Minister
Rev Foluso Enwerem
Foluso moved from the West Midlands to West Yorkshire and is glad to be here to participate in God's work in Shelf and Buttershaw.
Email Foluso on foluso@shelfwithbuttershawnet

Priest with PTO
Rev Canon Gordon Dey
Gordon was brought up in Ossett, near Wakefield. He is a retired Anglican priest who was Vicar of Tong and Holme Wood in Bradford for 26 years before retirement in 2011. Gordon was married to Lis, and they have five sons and 11 grandchildren. Gordon and Lis came to settle in Netherlands Ave seven years ago. Lis died in January 2021 following a period of heart problems, and Gordon became a member of our fellowship at St Michael's in the summer of that year. Gordon enjoys cricket, tennis and music, and over the past 30 years, he has been a pilgrimage tour leader to many Christian destinations

Adminstrator / Church Warden
Mrs Yvonne Dean
Church Warden and Parish Administrator. Married to Andrew with a grown-up son, I love painting, drawing and making things. I also enjoy keeping fit. I run, work out, and walk most of the week. I became a Christian at 30; I love the Lord and His Word. Here at St Michael's with St Aidans, we are constantly making strides to be more present in our communities. We
are a welcoming church and would love to make you part of the family.
Email Yvonne on - yvonne@shelfwithbuttershaw.net

PCC Secretary
Clive Flynn,
Clive Flynn, PCC Secretary and committed participant in the Jesus Shaped People
programme. He has lived in Yorkshire for thirty years and has made St Michael's with
St Aidan's his "spiritual home".

PCC Member
Krys Lyon
Krys is PCC member, has lived in Shelf and attended St. Michael's for many years.
She enjoys Folk music, singing, eating out, visiting with family and friends and
foreign travel.

PCC Member
Rita Burnet
I have lived in Shelf for 48.5 years and have been a member of the church for 8 years, I serve on the PCC and the Fund Raising
Committee. I have children and grandchildren and enjoy walking when I have the time.

Product Manager
Alexa Young
Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.

PCC Member
Ray Thornton
Text to follow

PCC Memeber
Janet Hallows
Janet, I am a Shelf resident and have been a member of the PCC for 12 years. I am
involved with children's work at church and also edit the parish magazine. I enjoy
working in my garden when it is fine, singing in 2 different choirs and doing family
history research.

Church Warden
Tony Woofitt
Tony fears God and loves Jesus Christ by whom we are saved. Blessed to be married to Evelyn; we have two adult sons. Both are believers, as are their wives and parents. Dad was a soldier which has led to much travel. Which more recently includes
missionary trips to eastern Europe and India. Think’s that it feels weird to be the same age as old folk.”

PCC Member
John Whitely
John Whiteley says; I remember St. Michael’s Church centenary service in 1950.
I was with Sunday School, and I was sitting on the front row of the north aisle.
I was looking up at the pulpit.I remember the vicar saying (from the pulpit – remember them?) that he wanted to
reassure everyone that it was the church that was 100 years old and not him!

Mavis Hartley
PCC Member
My name is Mavis,I have lived in Shelf for 53 yrs. My children attended ST Michael's school. I enjoy swimming and dancing,and am also a member of Halifax Marie Curie fundraising group. I have attended ST Michael's Church regularly for 23 years. It's a very friendly church
and it welcomes everyone.

PCC Member
Andrew McQuiston
Hi, my name is Andrew; I've been attending St Michael and St Aidan for ten years! I currently work as a civil servant but, more importantly, try to serve a higher master in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ!
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you. Isaiah 26 v 3

Winnie Maynard,
​Winnie Maynard, I started my Christian life at five when I was a member of Halifax
Minster. As I got older I was confirmed in The Guide Bells Ringer and I married there
then I moved to Shelf.
My other interests have been dancing from about 6 years old, starting with Tap,
Ballet and Toe then going on to Ballroom dancing as I got older. My passion for
horses also started young, when I got married, Paul and I bought two horses and
went on to show them we did very well. I love Yoga and Pilates, I also took up golf
when I retired and won the very first match I played in. I always try to do my best at
what I do. But most of all I have never left my Christian faith, it will always be with me
till I leave this life

PCC Member
Andrew McQuiston
Hi, my name is Andrew; I've been attending St Michael and St Aidan for ten years! I currently work as a civil servant but, more importantly, try to serve a higher master in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ!
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you. Isaiah 26 v 3

Chris Baines
PCC and young people
Text to follow

Karen Grahm
Text to follow

PCC Member
David Blamires,
I have been a member of St Aidan from being a small child when
the church had just been built. I’ve been a member of the choir youth club and acted
as a server for many years. I joined the Church Lads Brigade at 7 years old and
became O.I.C in my early twenties until I retired at 40.
I’ve been a member of the PCC since I was 18 and held a Churchwardens post for
30 years. I believe God has a plan for me, which is being mapped out to this day. St
Michaels and St Aidans have been a huge part of my life.

Mission Apprentice
Helen Syrop
Hi! I'm Helen Syrop, the new Mission Apprentice for children and families in Buttershaw. I've called this place home for 17 years and have been volunteering in the community since then. I even started a Christian after-school club called Rock at Farfield Primary. I'm really excited to keep growing that work and be part of making God's kingdom bigger and stronger in Buttershaw.
I'm super passionate about helping people break free from poverty, homelessness, and injustice. I want to challenge the systems that hold people back. I worship at St Stephens Church, West Bowling, with my husband and our three kids. I'll alternate between the churches on Sunday mornings. I'm really looking forward to meeting you all.

Mission Apprentice
Patrick Lennon
Meet the Staff Team

Mission Apprentice
Helen Syrop