We don't see children as 'the church of the future'. We see our children as a very important part of the church today. On this page we would like to introduce you to our work with children.
It's church... but not as you know it! Messy Church is a fresh approach to church - where primary school children and their parents or carers come together.
It's a riotous blend of crazy games, wild fun, lively singing and fun craft activities. We finish with food and refreshments.
Messy Church happens during term time on Tuesdays at St Michael’s at 4.00 pm. See you there!
Little Angels
Toddler Church and Play for adults, babies & Children on Wednesdays at 9.30am.
Songs, stories, music, dance, prayers for very small people and the adults who look after them in St Michaels church, Shelf.
Doors open at 9.00am. After the 9.30 a.m. fun service in church refreshments are served. We meet on Wednesdays during term time. Babies, toddlers, pre-school children, parents, grandparents, childminders and carers are all welcome.

SUNDAY CLUB at St Michael's
Sunday Club is our activity for children during the main morning worship at St Michael's.
Whilst the adults participate in the worship, we provide a range of craft, art, colouring and stories for children.
Don't be afraid to come to church with your children! They are very welcome! Parents of very young children are also welcome to come into Sunday club.